Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wordless Wednesday #5

I like blogging very much. And reading blogs is part of my daily life. For example, last month, there was a storm in Vanouver and some trees fell down and crushed a number of houses. TV, radioss and newspapers reported these stories extensively. Same as blogosphere - a lot of bloggers were talking about something that happened in their cities, such as power supply repair updates and traffic issues, etc. So the cartoon below actually raises an interesting question. What do you think?

If a Blog Falls
If a Blog Falls


Anonymous said...

I think the question would be. If it's not on youtube, did it happen. :)

Lisa said...

I agree with Brian. Happy Wednesday.

Lisa said...

I agree with Brian. Happy Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

If I didn't blog about it, it didn't happen ;-)

Beaman said...

Yes, it means they wrote about it on paper. :)

Donna. W said...

Nope. It didn't happen.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

Only to the lumberjacks, tree conservationists, and toilet paper manufacturers.

Happy WW!

M said...

too funny- great WW

Sandee said...

Well, it didn't happen that's what. Great cartoon.

Anonymous said...

*lol* ah, the age old philosophical question updated for the modern ages. I agree with Brian though. I think what he said is a little more appropriate

Celeste said...

Did not happen.

jennyr said...

i wouldn't blog about it,hehehe! funny one!

Patois42 said...

Or if somebody blogs about it..does it make a difference?

Durward Discussion said...

Only as a halucination while surfing.

Le Butterfly said...

Hehe ...... good question

Anonymous said...

I was not able to see your picture...

I am an ESL too.

Unknown said...

this made me laugh..thats funny!

FelineFrisky said...

HA!!! LOLOL D :)

Pfingston said...

Happy WW!